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Rev. Ansere Francis

Matthew 4:3 If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread”._

Today we examine the first temptation of Jesus. This temptation is a perfect example of the lust of the flesh. There is nothing wrong to be eating bread but at that point in time, it would have been wrong for Jesus to have eaten bread.

The lust of the flesh causes a man to eat tomorrow’s bread today. The lust of

the flesh causes a man to sacrifice the future for today because of bodily or fleshly appetites.

The lust of flesh causes a man to choose temporary comfort over things with eternal implications. However, if a man is able to master his fleshly desires and sacrifices that comfort for a higher good then you have learned the way of personal mastery. Any moment that you sacrifice your personal comfort and privileges for the cause of Christ and the greater good of humanity you

demonstrate that you have gained mastery over the lust of the flesh.

Why would you subscribe to always lazying

about and procrastination when you know that you have but a short time on earth to finish your life assignment? It may be that God wants you to come into your full potential in ministry by twenty or thirty years but because

of your attitude of procrastination, you will delay your divine appointments. Can it be that due to always choosing the easy and fast road, we have missed a whole lot that the Lord had for us?

It can be that God wants you to finish your Master’s Degree by age twenty-five, but due to laziness, you keep trailing your courses. What we are oblivious to is that our laziness is contributing to the overall pool of darkness and problems in the world.

Since we do not always know the demand of God for our lives at any particular set time, it is very important for us to walk in a high level of consecration, self-control and discipline so as to bring into manifestation the things God has in store for us to the end that we do not miss our divine appointments because of too much ease and comfort.

Prayer: In the name of Jesus, I beat my body under subjection. As I fulfil my destiny, I will not be a castaway. I receive grace and mercy to sacrifice what must be sacrificed, and to go through all that I must go through now. Amen!_

Further study: _1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Luke 12:45-47