Dear Young Man of God,I believe you love God and fear God, and in the sincerity of your heart, you want to please Him and obey Him. That is why I decided to write this. Please, raise committed people in the ministry and church God has given you. Never feel shy and timid, calling for a commitment from the people God has given you.
For the love of God, for the advancement of His Kingdom, and for the betterment of the Body of Christ at large, you need committed men and women in the ministry God has given you. Please, do not let the cynicism of our days towards Men of God who have raised Loyal Followers and members make you cower in your duty and responsibility of raising faithful, loyal, committed men and women who love Jesus Christ, who love you, and who love the ministry.
Nobody will do it for you.
You must learn to do it yourself!
I am fully aware many leaders have abused committed people.
In the same way, many members have also abused dangerously dedicated church leaders. And today, those church leaders’ biological children hate anything to do with church and ministry. You know, every field of life celebrates commitment and committed people. In the nation, it’s called Patriotism! In marriage, it’s called Fidelity! In Business/Economics, it’s called Trust (one who honors his words and deals)! It is only in church when true commitment is seen, it is vehemently opposed and we are quick to give ” seemingly cautious advice” to committed people! If nobody frowns on Patriotism, Fidelity, Trust, and Faithfulness, why are we quick to brand commitment in churches in such derogatory terms? I know you fear God, I know you don’t want to take advantage of God’s people, the flock He purchased with His blood! That is the very reason why I am saying this! You are the candidate and target of my writing. It is because I know you won’t take advantage of the flock of God that is why I am encouraging you to raise committed people! In church, I choose to call it “Intentional Discipleship”. My standard in Discipleship is the Quality & Order of Disciples Jesus made. And if you care to know what kind of Disciples Jesus made, they are disciples who were willing to die for Him and His cause. I am not saying, to influence people to do evil or nonsensical things. But, if you can raise a man who is genuinely and truly willing to die for Christ and His Agenda in this generation, such a person will gladly be willing to do anything for you and your godly leadership.
Let me end by sharing with you a Bible verse, my father, the man of God, Pastor Christian Appiah-Fei – MypastorChristian, shared with me recently at our Camp Meeting,
Proverbs 20:6, KJV
Most men will proclaim everyone his goodness: but A FAITHFUL MAN WHO CAN FIND?
And oh, lest I forget, I hope you know why John Wesley’s Movement in England came to be known as “The Wesleyans/The Methodists”? Dear Man of God, there are no cowards in Heaven. Don’t be afraid to call for Commitment from your people.
For the Love of the Father’s Dream for His Church, The Youth and The Nations!!!!